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Pray - Worship
Pray - Worship
Or Ha Lev’s creative worship services are enhanced by a musical ensemble, meditation and lively Torah discussions. We enjoy weekly Friday evening services on Zoom, followed by open conversation time. Our once-monthly Zoom Shabbat morning Torah study and services are also followed by an open conversation time.
We encourage community participation in all of our Services. On Shabbat and holidays, Or Ha Lev uses the P’nai Or Siddur, and on the High Holy Days, the P’nai Or Machzor, both edited by Rabbi Marcia Prager. Both prayer books are written in Hebrew, with English transliterations of all prayers, and also include poetic translations of the liturgy. The books’ style and format encourage participation. Knowledge of Hebrew is not necessary to participate in our services. During the time of COVID-19, members will receive a pdf file of our prayer book for weekly services as well as a pdf file of the High Holy Day Machzor. Therefore, each person will have their own copy of all of our prayer books.
To confirm service dates and times in the event of an unexpected change to our calendar, you can reach Rabbi Deb Smith at 908-303-8374.
Please see more detailed information about Shabbat, Holiday and High Holy Days services below. We look forward to “davennen” with you!
Enjoy Responsive Shema (Neil Smith with Congregation)
Kabbalat Shabbat (Friday evening services) – We gather to welcome Shabbat with candle lighting and participatory worship, which includes the traditional Kabbalat Shabbat liturgy, music, meditation, chanting, interactive Torah discussions, followed by a festive oneg. Our services are enhanced by live music and often include new songs written and arranged by our cantorial soloist, Neil Smith. On occasion we have a guest speaker.
Shabbat Morning Services – We hold our monthly Zoom Shabbat morning Services at 10:30 AM. Services on Shabbat mornings include the traditional Shabbat morning liturgy with music and singing, meditation, chanting, the Torah Service with bilingual Hebrew-English chanting from the weekly Torah portion, interactive Torah study and Torah discussion. Call Rabbi Deb (908-303-8374) to ask for Shabbat Morning Service dates.
Enjoy Mi Chamocha
Mi Chamocha
Hinei Ma Tov
Havu L'Adonai
Oseh Shalom
Adon Olam
We celebrate the full cycle of Jewish holidays as a community with worship services, music, learning and, of course, sharing food together. We typically celebrate/commemorate the major “pilgrimage” holidays of Pesach (Passover), Shavuot (Giving of the Torah), and Sukkot (Thanksgiving), as well as the minor holy days of Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Memorial Day), Tisha B’av (Commemoration of the Destruction of the Temple), Hanukkah (Festival of Lights), and Tu B’Shevat (New Year of the Trees).
High Holy Days
Our High Holy Day Services are composed of the traditional High Holy Day liturgy, music, participatory Torah discussions, creative Hebrew-English Torah chanting, meditation, community Torah honors, and, on Yom Kippur, a unique Yizkor Service of Remembrance.
You can down-load a full OR HA LEV HHD 2022 Schedule available on this website.
For New & Returning Members. Your annual membership includes tickets for High Holy Day services.
Please download, print and return this form:
Or Ha Lev 2022-23 Membership Form
Please contact Rabbi Deb with any general questions.
For Guests (including guests of members).
Please download, print and return this reservation form:
Or Ha Lev 2022 HHD Non-member Form
Please contact Rabbi Deb with any general questions.
We will not turn anyone away for financial reasons, so please contact Rabbi Deb with any questions or concerns.
Wishing you a sweet and happy New Year!
Membership Form
Non - Membership Form
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